i tell you, this cracks me up everytime i see it. weiren really looks disturbed.

well. the fashionista & me. or rather, the husband & the muse.

we look very happy dont we =)
the way i gush about Taboo is VERY similar to my mum's incessant...adoration of MENG. i swear my mum loves him. I SWEAR.
"wah meng u very tall ahhh"
"wah meng ur built very nice ahhh"
"wah meng u got good fashion sense ahhh"
"wah meng you do for her until very nice ahhh"
"wah meng you know how to dye hair ahhh"
"wah meng you also very knowledgeable about health care and skin products ahhh"
"meng take good care of lena horrr"
haiyo still got a lot more la cant recall EVERYTHING now. but thats the rough idea. she adores him. she simply ADORES him. its a GOOD THING!
but the whole ribbon around my waist thing was conjured up by my mum and him. he was twirling that frivolous ribbon around (quoted from simon) , wonderin whether he should put it around my neck or boobs (NAH JK LA) or tie it on my hair.
he then pulled it around my freakin BIG waist and tied a ribbon. AND TADAH!
que : more of mum's praising and fawning over his impeccable dress sense.
and i thought my black blouse was...complicated enough. it apparently wasn't. pair that with dangling blue earrings, a ring, BILLOWING HAIR, a sleek black blouse, a FRIVOLOUS ribbon around my waist, a pair of omg-my-feet-hurt-like-shit dunno-how-high- wedges with FRIVOLOUS ribbons around my ankles.
and i really must follow Meng's advice about getting a chunky belt. helps in bringing out whatever waist i have left.
halloween halloween halloween.
we were expectedly late la, obviously, i felt like a mannequin with 2 pairs of eagle eyes making sure i didn't look UNGLAM or anything like that. weiren and simon were dressed very nicely too leh. i like weiren's stripey tank top, and.....simon's long sleeved abercrombie shirt. which hid a skimpy SPAGHETTI TOP within. meng prefers to call it underwear, while i stick to calling it a spag. afterall, to me it IS LA. and meng was lookin very chic in BLACK. very very nice.
haiyo addie would have been PROUD of me. it was a far cry from that baby-blue halter the previous week (apparently addie said it looked lesbian-ish). oh talking about addie, he was decked in in..his halloween....best. his hair ah..wah really i have no words to describe it. and some ppl were very enthusiastic about the whole costume thing. there was this...person with red circles as flowers on the top of his head, he actually won the freaking competition la. he beat the sailors and schoolboys HANDS DOWN. haiyo but i didnt see his face. some had on atrocious masks la. and many trannys were prancing around with their caked-on makeup. it made xiaxue look extremely tame.
there were guys in hot pants, guys in cowboy suits, guys in RED SHORTS AND SINGLETS, guys with angel wings, guys with little horns on that head, guys with pitchforks, and guys...as geishas. it was amazing la really.
lena has renounced that she is definitely staying off straight clubs.
the ppl there are..really damn nice leh. they apologise when they step on you, and they can strike up conversations just like that. very courteous, very welcoming. i was overwhelmed actually. i stepped on this guy's foot la, poor thing. (imagine, i was wearing WEDGES) he was smiling and said nono its alright really then we just talked la. he had on a nice beret, and he was quite cute. we all agreed on that. HAHA. but we're in TABOO. so there. haiyo SO NICE LA. met some of weiren's friends. who were extremely welcoming and affectionate. and one of them had an artificial arm which he was using to do FUNNY THINGS. im leaving it to all of ur imaginations. LOL it was damn funny when he was scratchin weiren's back with it. HAIYO. oh,
and those are pictures which we snapped at MOX. i like MOX a lot. the ambience is fantastic!
the poor waiter was quite stunned to see 2 sets of plastic fangs on the bottle.
but e fangs were REALLY uncomfortable LA. i tried meng's at my mum's place, OMG i couldnt TALK and it was SUPER DAMN uncomfortable. LOL.
oh and then there was...PETER who went up to weiren and asked for a light. HAIYO.
american STUD. very very nice features.
and weiren was telling me that i should GO STRAIGHT CLUBS. you should see my reaction after that. priceless. i was like OMG NO THANKS PLS. he said i should go with him one day, and he will act as my bodyguard. just flex his muscles or smth can already la that gym rat.
talking about straight, there are a few..quotes from that night which had that WORD.
(i was elaborating to weiren and simon on how much my mum fawned over meng)
me: my gdness my mum was like wah MENG AH ur FASHION sense very good ah!
meng: sorry ah aunty if i were straight i would have married ur daughter long ago lor
weiren: I FEEL SO STRAIGHT! (after that i just started laughing like siao)
me: SIMON i like ur long sleeved shirt. very nice. and you look awfully straight.
im still very fascinated by all the costumes. i should have worn my "horny" hairband that someone (i forgot who LOL) got for me for Vday ages ago la. if only halloween was much more celebrated here. i would like to go TRICK OR TREAT! =)
lol. and yes we went upstairs and started prancing and preening in front of the freaking mirror. we did spastic poses, and weiren's fren, howie, asked whether i was LES.
i went NAH, and meng was like NO LA SHE'S MY STRAIGHT GIRLFRIEND.
lol and howie was encouraging me to carry along the straight route. damn funny la.
go to simon's blog for...funny details, especially about the whore who accidentally burnt him with her cig.
OH yes and i had dinner with the squashers before that at Kian Seng restaurant, behind YCK courts. so convenient, and no need to QUEUE up! the food was alright, ate there quite a few times already. it was damn funny la. all the super tork cork conversations. and vivian our coach joined us too!
it was so lovely la, i slacked at my mum's place for the whole of sunday! watched tv, pigged out on DIGESTIVES, and drank tons of MILK.
and my legs and back are aching. training then taboo. tsktsk. when will i ever learn.
it got my mind off everything though. but even if i was slacking my life away, he didnt come to mind as frequently as he used to.
as kelly clarkson would singggg "out of sight, out of mind"